The Hidden Profile of the madmonkeyrider

I am so weird,so psychotic you'd think I was a hermit.Maybe I am,maybe I'm not but I'll tell you what I am certainly not a retard.I am a picky man with everything,books,food, and even video games. I like to freak my enemies out by making them think I'm out to kill them. TV and me don't mix if it wasn't for Simpsons,Family Guy, NCIS and the fact that my video game system needs it I'd throw that thing out. By the time you finish reading this I'll probably be cruising on my Trek bike. Might I add I'm a dinosaur. I barely know how to post this blog profile let alone program a computer. Books rock if they are good few fit my standards(Lemony Snicket,Seekers and Warriorcats fit a few). I also made up my own language.Currently working on a fun novel,Icelandic language and culture and getting muscles.I like all temperatures so long as it's below 120 F and above-20 F.My kinda afternoon is a hot afternoon sleeping in a hammock taking a siesta with lemonade.My evening is cold with a book,hot choclate in a rocking chair near a fire.I'll admit to being lifeless....for now.Say that to my face and you'll be literally lifeless heh heh heh

Video Game Currently Played

  • Tomb Raider
  • Diddy Kong Racing DS

Friday, August 29, 2008

3rd School-day blog

That's right Freshman Friday has arrived. That means Freshmen beware,cuz' every grade goes after them with eggs.

An egging happenned after the bus stop and all they got was sophmores. They almost got me, I'm tired of being mis-labeled as freshmen.

Scottish Games are tomorrow, I can't wait

Still I wish I could transfer out of Enviromental Science class

oh well

So yeah this school day wasn't exactly exicting

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Yesterday I got a phone here is what I was told "Your child Thomas May was absent for one or more periods". I just hung up and said to myself"screw that I was there". Then at sixth period right before the bell rings I get a schedule paper,it says my First period is Enviromental Science. For the past 2 dfays I have been going to Ceramics and enjoying it and had it on my paper. I talk to Trimlett.

She had the nerve to change my favorite class into a class I probably took at Scout Camp first year in favor of an internship.

So now the only enjoyable class has been axed,Math is getting worse,Cross Country is eating my time and seminary in the morning,not to mention every other person seems to starts school  after Labor Day and I bet they end at the same time.

Go ahead call me a pessimist,I don't care I have every right. The teachers expect too much,my favorite class has been cut,and extracirricular stuff kills the rest

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The death of Summer,.....til' the next one

It's official SUmmer as I know it is dead til' next year. My school day was half-baked, some of the classes were great,others seemed to hard and stressing and then Cross-Country eats away the rest of my day.

The Good Classes:

1.Ceramics(That's right a pottery class)
2.Spanish 3/4 (I think I'll do Swahili next year)

The Classes of Despair

1.Algebra 2(I feel like an idiot,I can't remember a thing in Algebra I shoulda' taken the first)
2.World History(Word on the street has it this teacher has only given 3 A's)

and I have no likes or dislikes to the final which is Literature

After the final class I headed off to the library right when I realized it was Cross Country.(2 hours of straight running) not to mention the backpack is a brick full,making biking from distances from the bus stop seem like Mt. Everest.

This year is gonna be either the greatest year or total hell.

R.I.P 2008 Summeryou were relaxing and great

-Uber Psycho Tom

Monday, August 25, 2008

The Penultimate Day to School

Enough of Day 2,it's much too obvious and depressing.

Sadly enough school starts Wednesday. On the other hand I started this blog right after school,Graduation to be exact.

After attending the SSJE(School for Social Justice and Ecology)potluck after posting The Weekend Edition. I know who my teachers are and have explored the rooms so I figure,eh might as well get it over with. Plus as the Legendary Prosciutto Man, I can bug the deli by ordering you guessed it a prosciutto sandwich.

Also Cross Country run was great, I ran straight to the rock park which is about 2 miles one way.Lotsa' newbies this year

This school year will test my ceramics skills as well.Summer was extremely packed and the last weeks were boring.I guess this is a loose-loose situation

That's all

-Uber Psycho Tom

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Monkey World Weekend Edition: Issue Seven

Well it's official,this is the last  Summer weekend(technically speaking though Summer ends September 21st but it doesn'ty feel like Summer because it's blistering hot[that's right 'Indian Summer ' is hotter than Summer hee-uh in these parts')

Either way I'm both sides, I want to see what the classes are like,get out of boredom and feel like I have reason to actually be down and the track and I can go out more for luch(usually to the burger place across the street or the deli and every blue moon the Pizza place across from the deli)

On the other hand,I won't be able to sleep for 11 hours,I'll be out of the house longer than full time adults(12.5 hours precisely),not as much video game and computer time,and no long gourmet style lunches like Tomato Soup with Black Beans and Fried Salami

So like I said it's mixed.Seminary I don't look forward,too. Yes,yes Mr. Mike is a great teacher but still

It's also a week before the Scottish Games,where I can finally get some Irn Bru,meat pies,fish and chips, and all that other good stuff I  haven't seen since I went to Scotland

Issue Seven, all I can say is,this is not a lucky weekend

-Uber Psycho Tom

Friday, August 22, 2008

Final Friday's Thoughts

Good news,Walker who left the yard for 2 days has returned(that's not his usual and I was getting worried)

I said I sorta had these not-so-black- and white feelings for someone right(Squirrelfights feelngs to Ashfur). Well unfortunatley there is this other girl(no I don't like this girl in that way) and she has my email and stuff,but Idk how to break it to her. Fun to listen to and hang out with,she seems to want more. I'll call her Skor Bar

I don't want to be offensive,everybody who knows the 2 of us think we'd be a great couple. I don't want to think that far. I want to be on the safe side until I'm not just 16 but until I feel ready which I am not currently

I'm bringing that up thanks to continous calls in the afternoon

On a better note another family came for dinner and the little guy(Eric) really likes video games and everything was delicious

I wish I had an Irn Bru right now

-Uber Psycho Tom

Thursday, August 21, 2008

These final days are killing me

These days are a guillotine.I don't want to get beheaded by it but I have to so I want it to come down quickly,which it's not.

At least when school starts I can feel justified in getting a pass. I can eat out for lunch,go to the library and of course my day is packed

Sadly that means fewer hours of video games,less siesta time and more rush and of courser seminary(that sucks if you don't know who the teacher is),.

And no do not recommend Twilight,that's just not my kind of book it's a sappy book of weak characters,sexual obsession gone to far,and not enough deaths(Why did Jimmy have to die,the villains were better characters)[It lacks the darkness of Lemony Snicket, the romance  and death amount of Warriors,or the plot of Fablehaven]

Cross Country however has been useful. It makes me hungrier(good feeling),feel fresher, and of course I've done something that will affect my health.

Monday, August 18, 2008

My outlook on the Cola Wars

 It seems every industry gains a rival.For cars, GM vs. Ford;for Shakespeare, Montagues vs Capulets;for Simpsons, Principal Skinner vs Bart Simpson; for video gamers SEGA(or Sony) vs Nintendo.

But one well known one that has actually led to deaths(other than Montagues vs Capulets) is Pepsi vs Coke.(People actually died in Thailand cuz' of such a rivalry)

Both are tooth-killers.If health is the concern  Coke's the one becuase there seems to be more sugar in Pepsi.If monopolies are your concern try Pepsi because the company owns less.

Personally I  like Coke.I quit Pepsi drinking in cold turkey(just that soda specifically)

But non-cola wise I'd opt out of Pepsi or Coke beverages in favor of Irn-Bru. Irn-Bru if you didn't read my June blogs is an orange soda with a slightly salty flavor but mostly like Cream-Soda and wax lips combined.

Cola is not my type of soda at all I rather have Cream Soda or the Beers that aren't beer(Root Beer and Ginger Beer)

Bringing this up because everybody who has had a cola drink has an unspoken outlook on it whether it's Coke, Pepsi,both or neither

What's yours?

-Uber Psycho Tom

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Monkey World Weekend Edition: Issue Six

Well here it is Issue Six. I've just returned from camp and have finished off watching a utube video called

"Food Fight" which is basically food repesenting countries

The meals are

Hamburger as USA
Sausages and Pretzels as Germany
Matza as the Jewish victims
Fish and Chips as UK
Borscht as Russia
Kebabs as the Middle east

and that's all I remember right now

really funny check it out

So here was the good from camp

1.Camp Fires
2.Merit Badge Clsses
3.Open Shoot
5.Black Powder Rifles and Tomahawks
6.Hammock siestas
7. Not as many Yellow Jackets

Now the bad

1.The outhouses
2.The food[at first it was edible but then it went downhill by the day,i'd rather have stale oatmeal than that crap]
3.The conversations [Most of the time everyone was talking about sexual stuff and uh gayness accusations,no real stuff beyond that]
4.Archery Range distance
5.Not as many Wild Turkeys

Oh yeah and I capsized meself in the middle of the lake on purpose[yes it was fun]. This year was the most dissappointing,but nevertheless I was never bored soI guess I won out

That's all for now

-Uber Psycho Tom

Friday, August 8, 2008


I'll keep this untitled because I gots nothin' to do. It's still to cold to run and my Sisters Grimm books are packed up and I've beat my games.

I've been so bored I've literally just insulted bad video games and read Eragon(that book is good,but it's a read once kind of book).On the bright side camps sttarting tomorrow thus I postpon the Monkey World Weekend Edition:Issue Six for next weekend.

and yeah that's about it.I've been doing lotsa' yard work but even that doesn't keep me busy.Maybe a review will do it

I haven't the exitcement of having a rival(at least rivals keep you on your toes)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Day 2 til' Camp

What so significant about the second day prior to an event.Me idk I just put the title there.

All I know is  I'm exicted to be outta the house one last time.

Basically,I'm up in Willits for about 8 days gettin' all the Merit Badges  I can done.

What I look forward to:

1.Merit Badge classes
2.Risk games
3.Open climbs at the rock
4. The Wooly Wash
6.Open shoots

What I'm not looking forward to

1.Yellow Jackets(the are flying insects that sting therefore,my worst,but most irrational fear)
2.Walking up a steep hill 10 times a day
3.The bathrooms(Except for the showerhouses they are disgusting outhouses)
4.Water(I only use bottled water because the faucets churn up orange,rusty water)

So the good outweighs the bad by a lot because I have solutions to the bad

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

At last,Tuesday is Over

At last it is over Tuesday is dead(until next week).Now  anyhing can happen,I can count on good lucck,maybe I can ressurect he blog list which  I had to delete because it wasn't working,it wouldn't take my to other sites and I don't know how people make those "Friends lists" either

Packing for Scout camp is today and yeah not much else

Check out my other blog which is http:/

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I hate Tuesdays

I hate Tuesdays,they suck, and just about anything that can go wrong does

I have no books,have played my video games,have watched the movies,and it's too cold to run.

For good reason Sammy Cle.... I mean Mark Twain once quoted"The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco" well you guessed it,it's colder than a San Francisco summer.So it's too cold to run.

Murdering innocent prickly thistles is boring so

And no I will not read Twilight,I've heard too much

I'm done with your time,.......For now

-Uber Psycho Tom

P.S. If I do too much,with Tuesdays luck I'll break a leg

Monday, August 4, 2008

2 weeks til' School

 Why am I talking about school,when there are still 2 weeks of fun left.Oh right becauseI've been on my toes going to all sorts of places.Now I have Scout Camp left for 8 days.

Ok first,it annoys you all

Two,It means I can just hang around without having too much packing

Three,it's the last 2 month,2 week Summer that my High School has might as well get it over with since it's coming to a close

I might as well get my first run over with,expect to see a review today

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Monkey World Weekend Edition:Issue Five

I've finally creaed a new blog,don't worry this ones my personal one that records everyday things,asm created a conforums,I woulda' but conforums have a shorter life,take more time, and aren't as personal and I have no idea how to make one[not that I want to]

If you look on "My Blog List" you'll find "Monkey World's N64 Gate"  check it out.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm done wasting time.I've got squirrels to murder,Sisters Grimm to read,and Cross Country practice to do

-Uber Psycho Tom

Friday, August 1, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Well I'm back and it feels good well now all I've got left is Scout Camp  for a week(ironically the same week as Asm's Girls Camp) and  now I can once again resume siestas, video games, and ......running. Well I went to the 4 corners and discoed straight over it.I've also decided to create a side blog specifically for review video games,books,movies,etc(even Cross Country tracks)[Asm suggested conforums but I like it a bit more personal,and I'm to ignorant to make a conforums].

Bookwise I can finally get on with Sisters Grimm, but lack the 4th Fablehaven(not released just yet) and need the 9 trillionth WARRRIORS(best series ever)

And no you'll never see a Twilight review becuase I have no intentions of reading it.

I'll be sad to be leaving Peanut and Hershey(the Utah cousins rabbits)

Silver Post complete

-Uber Psycho Tom