The Hidden Profile of the madmonkeyrider

I am so weird,so psychotic you'd think I was a hermit.Maybe I am,maybe I'm not but I'll tell you what I am certainly not a retard.I am a picky man with everything,books,food, and even video games. I like to freak my enemies out by making them think I'm out to kill them. TV and me don't mix if it wasn't for Simpsons,Family Guy, NCIS and the fact that my video game system needs it I'd throw that thing out. By the time you finish reading this I'll probably be cruising on my Trek bike. Might I add I'm a dinosaur. I barely know how to post this blog profile let alone program a computer. Books rock if they are good few fit my standards(Lemony Snicket,Seekers and Warriorcats fit a few). I also made up my own language.Currently working on a fun novel,Icelandic language and culture and getting muscles.I like all temperatures so long as it's below 120 F and above-20 F.My kinda afternoon is a hot afternoon sleeping in a hammock taking a siesta with lemonade.My evening is cold with a book,hot choclate in a rocking chair near a fire.I'll admit to being lifeless....for now.Say that to my face and you'll be literally lifeless heh heh heh

Video Game Currently Played

  • Tomb Raider
  • Diddy Kong Racing DS

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Monkey World Golden Edition

Normally I'd call this the 11th Weekend Edition,but since this is the 50th post,since this blog started June 13th,5 months after my 15th birthday. Naturally I must call this the Golden Edition

Anyway I finally got a haircut,and have finally caught up on Warriors by completing Eclipse,The Rise of Scourge,and Tigerstar and Sasha.

Tigerstar made an appearence in all 3 books. In Tigerstar and Sasha he the mate,In Rise of Scourge he is the apprentice that almost kills Scourge but is then seasons and seasons later killed by Scourge which is quite ironic. In Eclipse he still mentors Lionpaw as best he can but thinks the most important prophecy of all is Firestar's poppycock dreams.

Now I only skimmed through Tigerstar and Sasha and probably should read it again but I can give Eclipse and Rise of Scourge a review

My Icelandic s coming along well,I love how pure and unchanged the language has been since 874 A.D when Ingulfur Arnarson and his Irish slaves[shame on him for that] settled what is now Reykjavik.

Anyway check out my reviewing blog @ or click on Monkey's Worlds N64 Gate on my blogs blog list

Kinda boring blog post for Golden but whatever.

-Uber Psycho Tom

No Bumper Sticker of the Day

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I knew Tuesday was too good

I knew Tuesday was too good.

I didn't quite reach the physical problems Asm did.Since I love the depressed faces I'll start with the good

The Good:

-I talked to that girl
-History Class was a breeze
-I'm excelling in 3 of my classes

The Bad:
-I'm failing  in the other 3
-I'm failing in one of them because of some paper I don't recall getting
-My field trip got cancelled
-The cross country meet I got set for was cancelled as well

And of course the bad murdered the good

In other juk NCIS had a killer kickoff,these Palin jokes get funnier and funnier like the ol'Palin has shot Bullwinkle;Rocky attempts suicide' or 'Daughter's preganancy stops hurricane' ok the last one was a bit overdoing it still it's about time the liberal donkeys have a say in stuff.

Probie is no longer a probie now he is Vegas guy.

-Uber Psycho Tom

The next post is the Golden Post and the 11th Edition,wowza 2 in one

BUMPER STICKER OF THE DAY: Actions speak louder than bumper stickers

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Monkey World Weekend Edition:Issue Ten

Well this is it the final edition with the number written in word.

Anyway I just ran my first Cross-Country race of the season. I did pretty well so much better than last year,my record was about 14:00 for 2 miles,it would seem slow on paper but I'd like to see you try it

I'm still going strong on my Icelandic and Lucy's still treating my bed like it hers

Also the new member dinner was tonight,Mr. Mike campaigned for best dessert. Here's what his slogan was....."Obama promises change,McCain promises change,I promise ICE CREAM" and it was all homemade and delicious mmm.Now personally I don't see any change outta McCain and his false promises but whatever I take Ice Cream any day over any politicians,especially when you got Chocolate Malt,Oreo,Cookie Dough, and basic and true Vanilla.

The dishes were so good though like Gnochi,Corn Chowder,Jambalaya,Tortilla[the Spanish omelet version not the Mexican one).

And now I should get back to homework instead of wasting your time about petty stuff.

BUMPER STICKER OF THE DAY:"It will be a great day when schools get all the money they need and the Air Force has to have a bake sale to buy a bomber"[no offense to any Air Force people or to disrespect Charlie but seriously education needs more money and our defenses don't need that much]

-Uber Psycho Tom

Thursday, September 18, 2008

My New Room

Technically it's old hat now,but I've officially moved out of my tiny room with a huge bed.It's ot much bigger but everything can have a place and be in it because I have more room.

I used to have a double bed,now I have more room thanks to my new twin bed,kind of a downgrade I suppose but oh well

I now have 2 closets and a built in bureau lots of shelves and a desk.And since Asm still is downstairs,I finally get some peace and quiet.

I'm not the only one who moved in to my new room though,no I just get the night shift it's Lucy who truly owns the room.And at last I n longer have to listen to the satanic kitty(yes Walker is an evil demon at night)

Oh yeah and the first late start happened,so I got to hang out at home for an extra whopping 2 hours

Also on Saturday is my first Cross-Country race of the year damn it's gone by quickly

Well that's all for now,wait your not dead yet dang it

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Monkey World Weekend Edition:Issue Nine

I feel terrible,my last blog though selfish and thoughted was posted on the day I shouldn't have done so,9/11

That was the day when we hit bad karma,2000 died, and the day Americans who were Muslim or Middle Eastern lost all respect.

Like asm's blog,why couldn't it be more like the kiddy book Spotty the Bunny[read asm's blog for plotline] or Dr Seuss'(who though made books for kids hid lots of adult situations like what you'd see inThe Lorax) ok,ok I can't remember the books name but it was about this group of,I can't remember the names but anyway 2 groups of them were segregated because one group had a little green star on their tummy while another group didn't,then some thing came in with a machine which put little green stars on the opressed groups tummy.Naturally they signed up and got stars.All diversity was lost and things weren't right.To fix this they got a new machine removing the stars,so it went back to 2 groups with a small distinction living happily ever after[not trying make it sound like a fairy tale]

Racism is thought to be discrimination by skin color,in reality it is discrimination on what seems to be real but isn't,skin color simply is the first thing that defines race.What is racism ask yourself that.

I suppose what happened 7 years ago was inevitable after all the harsh treatment,Western supremacy,and overthrowng good goverments just to add puppets that turn us into WALL-E humans down the road(The Shah in Iran anyone,or maybe the assaination in Guatemala,the dictator installation in Kuwait),and religious discrimination.It's kind of ironic to because the people who hijacked those planes were 20 years ago actually trained by The U.S. goverment to take down Soviets.Don't get me wrong it wasn't right and I'm not siding with the hijackers I'm just reporting one of the motivations

It's even sadder when 3 to maybe 6 people can cause racism.Before 9/11 it was all good(it was there but his couldn' happen in the open so much,That day 3-6 people hi jack planes and BAM every last follower of Islam or person of Middle Eastern descent will mostly likely get things like "America hater" or "terrorist" or"hijacker" spat at them.It would be even more disgusting if the goverment paid for this to happen[some actuallly believe it's inside,don't worry I don't].I'm still disgusted,they knew it would happen,an attempt actually happened in '95,some betted the airlines hijacked would lose huge money and yeah,it was known but not stopped.

Now to end that controversial, perhaps slightly off but mostly true junk.

This all stirred up after I read Asm's latest blog and read up on a play called Yellowjackets.

-Uber Psycho Tom

P.S. For those wondering I'm not white,I'm Italo-Swede-Scot-Cherokee-German though identify with mostly with my Scottish,Italian,and Swedish backgrounds[maybe that's why I'm a no tough guy].If you think this is too deep and enemy strring do not read

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Almost to Saturday

Yes,so close eunnngh! almost there just 1 day left

That's right teacher's have been handing out too much homework,I've found myself working 3 hours at night,0 period,and sometimes lunch.

Because of this I get no sleep,thanks to Walker the evil shadow that must wreck something every morining and come to my window and yowl so loud,so loud that I'm pretty sure you could hear it from Scotland

But of course Asm sleeps through WWIII and doesn' help,sometimes when she does hear she pretends to sleep and still makes me do all the work.Ok first of all I can't help that I bang the door I'm tired,grumpy and frustrated.I've tried keeping it all open and then raccoons enter,I've tried using ear plugs even.

Well I've been too busy to listen to Icelandic,but have just finished Ender's Game and am now reading Ender's Shadow.I actually like Game better but the pint of view is better in Shadow,also got Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Yesterday I played a little bit of Spore and yeah

And the deli people must now surrender to Prosciutto Man,and yes I meditate in the park,go ahead call me sac-religious but is in frickin' Mormon doctrine that all religion's have some truth and it says nowhere,I repeat NOWHERE......that meditating is a false apostate idea,plus it keeps me calm

-Uber Psycho Tom

Monday, September 8, 2008

The 1st School-Day Monday

Ok this is the first Monday of school in BHS and it was a mediocre day

Heres the span of what happenned from when I posted Weekend Edition Issue 8 to te end of this here post:

1.I found my Icelandic Book and CD's and am now studying 2 foreign languages

2.I went to a sponsorship where a hoops shooter was pledged on average $.30 per shot and he shot a lot in 15 mins.

3.I went to some school grounds with BF and a pal of his and ran into my pal Talia's little brother(she never told me she had a brother)

4.I went to a boring rehearsal,darn VSF

5.I listened to Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy,wow what a book I should read it now

6.I reunited myself with Yoshi's Island[do not confuse this with Yoshi's Island DS],NES originals Super Mario Bros. 2 and 3,naturally they were on an emulator becuase few people have NES or SNES anymore

7.A new seminary techer who I'll call Probe for now since he's on probation by my standards

8. I twisted my ankle[or at least pulled a muscle] at Cross-Country so I spent my afternoon in the training room with an ice pack instead of running

9.I killed you by boredom of monotonous words

10.I ended this post

-Uber Psycho Tom

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Monkey World Weekend Edition:Issue Eight

Finally the weekend is here.Basically I've been getting up at 5,leaving for seminary at 6 and then leaving school at  5:30 or 6 and getting home at 6:15 or 6:45 and getting into bed at 11 thanks to homework and then I can't finish it in order to get a wink of sleep so I usually finish all homework during lunch.

Because this has been going on,I've been needing to catch up on sleep. Anna being so fortunate doesn't have this problem and could go to Santa Cruz for the youth conference. Whatever,I've been there time and time over besides we weren't allowed on the rides last time in the 2007 conference.

Yesterday some relatives came over for  dinner and I had great time,Lucy of course wouldn't get enough of the women guests. The food was delicious mmm Mashed Potatoes and Sole.

I'm currently studying Iceland.I'd show the flag butI don't know how to put pictures on my blog.So picture it like this,imagine a white cross put on its side with red painted inbetween and blue on the outside of this cross.Icoulda' just said reverse red and blue from the Norway flag but none of you might know what it looks like.

The only current words in the Icelandic language I know are Geyser(yes that word was originally Icelandic),Reykjavik(Smoky Bay) Foss(Waterfall) Jokull(Glacier)Fjorthur(Fjord) and Myvatn(Midge Lake).I'd know more but I lost that language book

Here are some well known facts of Iceland: Bjork came from there,Extremely volcanic,Lotsa' geysers,only gets 4 hours of sun in the winter and only 4 hours of darkness in the summer,It's greener than Greenland, and no snakes,and Reykajavik is the most northernly national capital of the world.

Iceland's anthem is called O Guth Vors Lands or God of Our Land


O guth vors lands! O lands vors guth
Ur solkerfum himanna hynta ther krans
Thinir herskanar,timanna safn Fyrir ther er einn dagur sem thusund ar
og thusund dagu,ei meir
eitt eilithar smablom meth titrand tar
sem tilbithur guth sinn og deyr
Islands thusund ar
Islands thusund ar
eitt eilithar smablom meth titrand tar
sem tilbidthur guth sinn og deyr


Oh god of our country! Our country's god
We worship thy name in its wonder sublime
The suns of the heavens are se in thy crown
By thy legions,the ages of time!
With thee is each day a thousand years
Each thousand years but a day
Eternity's flow'r with it's homage of tears
That reverently passes away
Iceland's thousand years
Iceland's thousand years
Eternity's flow'r with it's homage of tears
That reverently passes away

This is one of the few anthems I can think of that seems more like a hymn rather than something overtly patriotic.

I suppose you could call this obsession my answer to cousin Becca's obsession with Wales

-Uber Psycho Tom

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Cross Country

Ok yesterday,........ uh nothing happenned except I got sick and couldn't do any homework

Onto this morning at 5:00 am,I got up recovering from the migrane and got a smidge of homework done

Seminary was great,I actually stayed awake the whole time and we read a little of 1&2 Timmy

I'm not looking forward to the book of The Rapture

After that I took my bike to school where I go chased by a bus.Then just finishing homework and classes

Cross Country was where it got interesting,first I ran all 5 laps instead of 4,of course I took forever and got onto stretches last.After that,the team went down to the bottom of Ohlone Park and we all stretched. My record went up by 20 seconds by the end

Finally I got home and now here I am typing this post,am I have almost reached the Golden Post

Also I am having fun exploiting McCain and Palin for there every little flaws,for example the only argument against Obama now is that he isn'tWASP.Where as against McCain is a whole lotta' junk

-Uber Psycho Tom

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day

At last Labor Day is here, a break from school for a day.

This homework is getting on my nerves,I don't even remember how to do half of it,thank goodness the easy stiff is done.

I am currently reading Ender's Game,excellent book but I haven't even gotten half way through it.

 All I know is I'm at odds with his History assignment. I'd work on it but I forgot how to do it,the Chemistry assignment not so much.

I need to take advantage of this easy week

Oh well I've also completed Super Mario Bros. 2 and Star Fox 64(excellent games),that's it

-Uber Psycho Tom