The Hidden Profile of the madmonkeyrider

I am so weird,so psychotic you'd think I was a hermit.Maybe I am,maybe I'm not but I'll tell you what I am certainly not a retard.I am a picky man with everything,books,food, and even video games. I like to freak my enemies out by making them think I'm out to kill them. TV and me don't mix if it wasn't for Simpsons,Family Guy, NCIS and the fact that my video game system needs it I'd throw that thing out. By the time you finish reading this I'll probably be cruising on my Trek bike. Might I add I'm a dinosaur. I barely know how to post this blog profile let alone program a computer. Books rock if they are good few fit my standards(Lemony Snicket,Seekers and Warriorcats fit a few). I also made up my own language.Currently working on a fun novel,Icelandic language and culture and getting muscles.I like all temperatures so long as it's below 120 F and above-20 F.My kinda afternoon is a hot afternoon sleeping in a hammock taking a siesta with lemonade.My evening is cold with a book,hot choclate in a rocking chair near a fire.I'll admit to being lifeless....for now.Say that to my face and you'll be literally lifeless heh heh heh

Video Game Currently Played

  • Tomb Raider
  • Diddy Kong Racing DS

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Monkey World Weekend Edition:Issue 17

Well so far this has been a great weekend.

Well Friday was just a regular school-day except I think my brain opened up my head and left on a trip to Aruba.No I haven't been thinking about Aruba. Anyway, I came to school yes but instead of loitering around Downtown I went to Ms. Schneider's classroom to get some help on Algebra(I did so on Thursday as well).Then come to the test I had no idea what to do,I absorbed the 411 in the morning well and did some problems but some how it leaked.Ugh! I can't afford a D or lower. Sigh! the grading system is sooo arbitrary I mean come on the homework doesn't do much on the system tests are everything!.Then I failed the Spanish quiz.

After getting home I hung around and watched The Pacifier.

Today I got up at 5:30 am,seminary time and headed off with Uncle Greg to Mt. St. Helena, no not Mt. St. Helens. It was a good 10 miles there and to the trailhead. On the way up there was a memorial to Robert Louis Stevenson and it marked where he used to have a cabin(Honestly I don't get what's so great about this guy what did he do other than write Treasure Island anyway?).Then it was a long but gentle climb to the South Peak. Then though the road continued, there was a seperate trail but it joined up with the road and saved some time(Dubbed as "The Mother of all Shortcuts" by yours truly). Anyway eventually we got to the top,it was a really good view. You could see the ocean,Clear Lake,the whole of Napa Valley,Mt. Lassen,Mt. Shasta, and the Sierra Nevadas. On the way down we ran into Eric and his troop(can't help but pity him,having to drag them all the way up and wait on em'). Then it was a good 100 mile drive back home and uh now I've been mostly hangin' around and posting this.

Pretty good hike,certainly recommendable,Mt. Diablo has nothing on this nor doth Mt. Tamalpias.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

9 Weeks Left

That's right,just 9 weeks until........ until what????

Oh right MY BIRTHDAY!!!!

In 9 weeks I will be 2 years from voting,and being an adult sa'weet.

My grades are returning to normal

On Monday I walked down in the cold at night to the End of Season Banquet.If I can remember correctly,there was crispy chicken,pesto pasta,lasagna, ginger ale,Coke, cookies, casserole and uh brownies as well. After the banquet came awards for ahletes who miraculously kept a high GPA how I do not know.After that was a slideshow of all the races. I swear I looked like an old man with mostly bones.

Everyother day was mediocre and unexciting

I also am leading a Homeless Shelter dinner,I'm supposed to make Lentil Soup and Salad after gong to an earlier one I decided to use the same recipe

Other than that I've got a hike up Mt. St. Helena and Thanksgiving not much else

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Monkey World Weekend Edition:Issue 16

Not too much has happened to me since my last blogs just days after the election. No need for politics now it's over and that's it.Anyway here's what happened

On Saturday Ma' students had a recital,most of it was pretty good,the best part was Asm left on a walk.I'm sorry but she was snide jerk that took things waaay too seriously.The worst part was waiting to eat considering the dishes were: Lentil Soup,Saffron Shrimp and Rice,lots of crackers and spreads,Brownies,and cookies. Also the computer went to the shop.(Otherwise this would be Issue 17)

On Sunday I had to go a damn rehersal I'm so pissed why can't I just quit that stupid instrument.Ok I like Classical music yes,but seriosly having my time taken,being blackmailed and all sorts of heartache for a stupid instrument and for what so some people can say" Oo look he's good,he knows what he's doing"?If I had come from a family of non-musicians my life might actually be a little happier.Wish I had a chainsaw right now

On Monday and Tuesday I mostly watched Psych and listened to Icelandic currently the only hings that stick in my head are how to say "I am called Thomas","I speak English", "I only speak English and Spanish" and "Do you speak English"(Eg heiti Thomas) (Eg tala ensku) (Eg tala bara ensku og spaensku) (Talarthu ensku?)[Once again I can't figure out to get the Icelandic characters so I have to make do with similar English letters and blends].And I also ran on my home courses.NCIS was great and uh yeah that covers those days

Wednesday and Thursday were boring school days I need not type more

On Friday,first I got to seminary by car rather than bike,walked to school with Genun,Zary, and Asm and we had a discussion on if nerds could save the world pretty random but oh well.After that I read the paper through most of 1st period since it was chaos, a mediocre 2nd period but hey with a humorous chemsitry techer it helps.For 3rd period I read the paper cuz' I had nothing for class.At lunch I left school with the Cross Country team for the final race,I did so well and I was so damn good but my shoes came untied twice I got as far ahead as I could,tied it up and hoped it would last,it didn't so I just tightened my foot to keep in the shoee and it was on a downhill so I got passed a bit and yes I double-knotted them before and in the middle of the race.The Berkeley varsity killed the other teams,even El Cerrito(YEs Asm if Layna gets to obnoxious you can use this)

Now I got up wrote a blog on my other blog,made somepancakes and hot chocolate,read the newspaper, and um here I am posing this

-Uber Psycho Tom

P.S. No Bumper Sticker of the Day

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

How Did Indiana End Up Blue?

Yesterday was the election.

For at least a year.All the hot stuff was anything about Obama or McCain.In the last few months Palin came into the political scene.Anything that was in the least bit controversial about Palin was fired up and blown outta proportion.

At last it is all over,because the election is over who won. That's right OBAMA won and totally beat McLame. In his speech he talked much about what needs to be done and he told of an anecdote about a 106 year old woman who finally voted,who had waited so long for a black president,who had waited so long for the Civil Rights Movement to succeed.

I also noticed McCain supporters booing McCain every time he mentioned Obama in his speech,while Obama supporters clapped when he mentioned McCain

My outlook on this......

Well it's about bloody time,this is history and I will proud to be around to see the 1st biracial president,I cannot go into more detail the reasons should be obvious.

As for the Props I know or care most about

2: Yes (The outcome was yes,I am so happy,in mock and real election results it was all agreeable)

4: Yes (The outcome was no,I can't understand why it would be no,I mean come on someone mature should have some clue on what is going on,I know I'd hate it if my daughter died from an abortion I didn't know about because I wasn't notified)

6: N/A(The outcome was yes,I know much about but don't care too much)

8: No(Outcome:Yes why because students didn't get to really vote,if students voted it woulda' been NO! I don't understand yes at all,Marriage is sacred yes well so what gays should have access anyway,now it's not just illegal it's no longer a right,I can't believe this was even on the ballot,so what if I'm a Mormon and the rest of the church supports it,in WWII did German Mormons support the Nazis??? YES!!!!!,How about racism in who gets priesthood??? In fgact only 30 years ago did  non-whites get priesthood.Homosexuality is not a sin,calling it a sin is like calling being a different race than white a sin,oh my I guess I'm a sinner forever because I'm Italian to,oh wait I'm not)

Well enough of rants that's all

-Uber Psycho Tom

P.S. I looked at the electoral map for President Election and Indiana was blue for Obama,that state ususally votes red,last time it voted blue was in 1964

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Monkey World Weekend Edition:Issue 15

Hey Guys!It's been....not so long since I last blogged oh well a few things of interest have happened

Thursday: After school,Basically I go to Cross Countruy,normal practice right???? WRONG! intstead the team runs up Dwight to it's end which on a Marin Steep hill,Lombard Street(Crookedest Street) hill for those who don't know about Marin.Not to bad I suppose but when you're going in regular running gear it's pure murder.Had to run up and down the hill 5-6 times.After returning back to school,I overhear of pies in the Good Morning Cafe Room.after getting my stuff I head over to the room and I find it's crowded but there is alot of Chili,Pumpkin Pie,and Corn Bread and I also find  that girl.The meal was delicious it turned out the chili was made by Cross Country team mebers of the workshop who were to injured to run. Her'es the dialog between me an the girl

Her:Do you hate it when I abuse you?
Me: Uh,no no I don't hate it
(It's not really abuse it's more like a sort of game)
Her:Do you like it
Her: You know I only hit you because I want to be hit back,will you?
Her:And do it when I least expect it

(I like people with a nature like that, KB's(Madi's) sorta like that,old pen pal Silva was like that,really I could go on I choose not to)

After that I left for home

Friday:At seminary I was piecefully trying to master scriptures,when Zary and Asm left,leaving Genun and myself.Then  too his chair and decided to sit at the table for once,what does he do he shoves me.then I shove him to get balance and face punched him I shouldn't have but it wasn't that hard.This was after an argument between my lying down and his homework doing.Eventually Mr. Mike chewed him out,silly Mr.Mike all it did was make him cry.Then I got blamed.I told Dad my side of the story.Ya'  know what I am damn frickin' sick of ya'll pointinmg out how I lie and how Zary and Genun and Asm always sit at the table and you assume I do nothing.You know what I don't have good memory for stuff like oh what was the last lesson,it's often either vague or gone so Shut your bigmouth up ASM for claiming I don't pay attention!!!!!!!!!.After that I was forced to apologize for somehing I had little to do with so I left on my bike.By the time I was ready to apologize to Zary for what I actually did I couldn't find him.I still have to apologize

Today: I hung around eating up the candy,watching Psych and playing video games here and at Leffler's.Along with that I'm still trying to kill this cold,rest my genetically tight heels,and blog(My latest posts are a review of Batman Begins and this one)

Can't believe Election Day is soooo close.Somehow I bet Mccain and Prop. 8 will suceed,of course that's just my pessimism.

-Uber Psycho Tom

Bumper Sticker of the Day:An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind