The Hidden Profile of the madmonkeyrider

I am so weird,so psychotic you'd think I was a hermit.Maybe I am,maybe I'm not but I'll tell you what I am certainly not a retard.I am a picky man with everything,books,food, and even video games. I like to freak my enemies out by making them think I'm out to kill them. TV and me don't mix if it wasn't for Simpsons,Family Guy, NCIS and the fact that my video game system needs it I'd throw that thing out. By the time you finish reading this I'll probably be cruising on my Trek bike. Might I add I'm a dinosaur. I barely know how to post this blog profile let alone program a computer. Books rock if they are good few fit my standards(Lemony Snicket,Seekers and Warriorcats fit a few). I also made up my own language.Currently working on a fun novel,Icelandic language and culture and getting muscles.I like all temperatures so long as it's below 120 F and above-20 F.My kinda afternoon is a hot afternoon sleeping in a hammock taking a siesta with lemonade.My evening is cold with a book,hot choclate in a rocking chair near a fire.I'll admit to being lifeless....for now.Say that to my face and you'll be literally lifeless heh heh heh

Video Game Currently Played

  • Tomb Raider
  • Diddy Kong Racing DS

Monday, April 20, 2009

I can't believe it

There are so many things I can't believe actually like

-How foolish we as mankind are
-How decent people can be duped into hating something so much they'll systematically murder for to get rid of it
-It's the birthday of the world's sickest man
-It's year 10 since Columbine
-There is actually a National Pot Day

But in my selfish, happier life there are other things I can't believe but believe I'll focus on in this post

1.*Optional* STAR Testing (Yeah um when I put asterisks next to optional that means it's not really an option because 90% of Berkeley High has to be at their 2nd period class to take a dumb multiple choice test for if they don't California will intervene and all lessons will be from a script and odds are it won't have character,the counselors will be diminished to only 3 and well the rest is ptoohickey. It is appalling that instead of evaluating based on grades they based off of filling in of bubbles and lets see 95% of 3200 is 3040 people that have to come,all I can do is pray)

2. Years left (I've got less than 2 years before I am legally an adult and only 2 before Mom and Dad say "Out with you" and I don't feel ready)

3.Sister Grimm Book 7 (I can't believe in 10 days it finally comes,I've already read 2 sneak peeks and I know who The Master of the Scarlet Hand is and I don't like it,I've been waiting for this for years)

4. How hot tonight is (I dunno about the folks in Irvine [Sahara],Provo [Becca,Seagull] or even Oakland [Aunt Pat] but around these parts it's actually hotter than usual,usually it's raining and cold like hell but so far I'm actually boiling and usually that's to be expected in September/October and sometimes November

Well that's all my thoughts for now

-Uber Psycho Tom

1 comment:

Patricia said...

Oh yes, it was HOT in Oakland too. I complained about it big time.